Just a friendly reminder that the emergency on-call phone should only be contacted after-hours in emergency situations. For the health and well-being of our staff, we need to minimise the number of after-hours calls to this phone, particularly if they’re not urgent.
If you have an issue after office hours, try to call or message your scheduled shift (if you know it) and failing that, call either the early shift (before 10pm) or the late shift (after 10pm).
If you receive no response and the matter is urgent you should then call the emergency phone. Please leave any routine or non-urgent calls (for e.g. a roster change for later that week) for office hours instead.
Shift numbers are listed below. Thank you for your cooperation!
Night time shifts
Early (call between 6pm and 10pm) shift: 0412 187 087
Late (call after 10pm) shift: 0411 141 904
Mid shift: 0468 953 227
Bridging shift: 0412 303 230
Flexi shift: 0422 605 645
Western shift: 0413 046860
Day time shifts
Morning shift: 0416 644 817
Ant shift: 0435 932 064
Emergency after-hours phone: 0412 568 790